Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Today I finally got my first follower on this site, Hallelujah!  So in honor of my dear first follower, today's blog will be about my friend, Jose.
I met Gloria in my first class on the first day of Jr. high school. They had given us a piece of paper with our class schedule with six or seven classes on it, in homeroom.  Luckily my first class was gym and I knew where that was.  Sitting on the bleachers with a bunch of other scared and confused 12 and 13 year old's I said to no one in particular, "I'm never gonna find all these classes in the three minutes they give you to get there.  With that, a chubby hand came from behind me, taking my class schedule out of my hand. "Here, let me see that," the voice belonging to the hand said.  "This is your lucky day, we are in all the same classes, just follow me."

Wait a minute, this is supposed to be Jose's blog, not his mother's!  We'll just have to save Gloria for another day!
Jose was born 12 days short of being exactly a-year-and-a-half younger than my daughter.  This is important because had they been born in the opposite order, I am sure they would have been a perfect match.  Sad to say, that year-and-a-half only mattered long enough for them to get involved with the wrong people.

Like his mother, Jose has this off -the-wall sense of humor and he has always kept my daughter and I in stitches.  Like me, this was cause to get him into way too much trouble, way too often. The masses just don't get us.  I don't know, maybe it was his mother's influence on me, maybe it was my influence on her, or maybe a combination of both, but get the four of us together and there is just no coming up for air.

Dear, sweet Jose, has always hugged me whenever he saw me, even when he was a teenager.  My nephews never did that!  I've always had to force myself on them to get a hug, but not Jose.  One time I was waitressing a wedding at the Catskill Elk's club where Jose and his wife were guests.  When Jose saw me, he jumped up from his seat and hugged me, touched my heart!  And look here at who's my first blog follower, see what I mean about Jose?
Heavy sigh, Imagine how much fun the four of us could have had together had Gloria had her baby before I had mine.  And then there would be the grandchildren......  I don't know, I guess God in his wisdom knew that the world just couldn't handle all of us nut cases concentrated in one area.