Saturday, September 3, 2011

That's right folks, as of September 1, 2011, I am a genuine, jump for joy, praise-you-Yahshua, (Jesus) Hallelujah, published author!  

Now for the past few months, I have been telling  Keri Collins Riley, (The Backwoods Mom) she should put her blogs all together and write a book.  I also told her that I should take my own advice and finish editing the book I have been working on for the past three or four years.  On Monday I finally did just  that. I worked on it all night and then went to Piers Anthony's site (Hi Piers) to find an online publisher that he recommends.  On Tuesday I sent my story to and on Thursday morning my story was accepted.  I am now waiting for my "Proof" copy of my book which should arrive on Tues. or Wed. 

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