Sunday, September 4, 2011

Introducing: Castle Michael Alexander Stough

On September 1, 2011, I became a published author, and my baby sister, Julie became a Juma, (Grandma). Julie's youngest, (Michael)became a daddy, and his Starr, became a mommy.  

Baby, Castle Michael Alexander Stough made his debut Thursday September 1, 2011 at 10:59 AM.  He weighed in at 6 lbs 7.6 oz. and is 18 inches long.

The night before he was born, Julie called me at 11:00ish.  She had just gotten home from the hospital where Michael and Starr were laying in her bed, so the staff could monitor the baby.  Starr has very high blood pressure.  After giving me the update,  Julie said she was going to bed and we said goodnight.   Three hours later,  Julie wrote on her face book page that she was back in the hospital.  I got worried and messaged her and she called me.  

Starr had called Julie to tell her that Michael had fallen asleep and she couldn't wake him up, she was bored and lonely and in lots of pain.  I love my little sister!  She's the kind of person who you just know if you send up an S.O.S., she'll come running,  Starr knows!  She spent the rest of the night at the hospital and the next day as well.  This after putting in a 9 hour day at work.  God bless you Jewels. 
I always did tell you, you were the best thing Mom ever did for me.

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