Friday, March 16, 2012

Billionaire Philanthropist Oxymoron

I have a real problem with not judging billionaires, especially ones that are called humanitarians or worse, philanthropists.  Think about it, you would need to have a billion dollars to be considered a billionaire. A billion dollars is one thousand million dollars. Now I ask you, does anyone really need a thousand million? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary a philanthropist is one who makes an active effort to promote human welfare:  a person who practices philanthropy.

See Wikipedia's definition of philanthropy:
Philanthropy etymologically means "the love of humanity"—love in the sense of caring for, nourishing, developing, or enhancing; humanity in the sense of "what it is to be human," or "human potential." In modern practical terms, it is "private initiatives for public good, focusing on quality of life"—balancing the social-scientific aspect emphasized in the 20th century, with the long-traditional and original humanist core of the word's ancient coinage. This formulation distinguishes it from business (private initiatives for private good, focusing on material prosperity) and government (public initiatives for public good, focusing on law and order).[1]

If he truly were a humanitarian/philanthropist, wouldn't he be even happier settling for 
multimillionaire status?  

Check out my friend Ronald Hatfield: and then check out his philanthropic baby: 
And he isn't even a multimillionaire!

While I do not subscribe to any organized religion, I do keep the seventh day sabbath holy as instructed:
Exodus 31:14

You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. 

This Saturday I will be keeping the Sabbath holy by exposing all those billionaires who give just enough so the IRS will leave them alone.

Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I hear the voices of my  critics saying, "Oh get off your soap box!"  Not until the day I die, and maybe not even then if God has something else for me to do. 

 “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it” – George Santayana

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing” --- Albert Einstein

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