Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm backkkk

And she's back:)  My little sister Jewel, and oh yes she is a Jewel, told me that I'd better write this or else.  She lives in NY, I live in FL so what is she going to do if I don't write?  I know that she has my best interest at heart so I'm writing.

I have been in a rut these past three weeks, I don't know why I allow people to affect me this way but since I haven't heard from my older sister, I just haven't been up to writing anything.  

My book took me five years to write, and she was very much aware of it's content, so why she waited until it was published to tell me that I shouldn't air our dirty laundry is beyond me.  Well, it's done and I am not going to change it.  

My mother got her hands on the book and began reading it today.  I guess I won't be hearing from her any time soon, not that we had any kind of relationship before, we didn't.

Several people have told me that I was an inspiration and I do hope that proves true, that really was the point in writing the book in the first place.  

I am very thankful for all the good friends and good wishes they have sent me,  so to yous I say,

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


  1. I do not get this place. Every time I leave a comment...nothing shows up! I am not listed as one of your followers and you are not showing up on my blog as following me! I think we may need a different blogging engine!!!

  2. Oh, I don't know, you are showing up on my blog in both places.
